Monday, May 31, 2010

June 17, 1972: Frustration and Contemplation

I woke up today feeling as though my life was coming to an end. I went out to run some errands, but, in the process, I felt like looking for stuff to cross off my bucket list.

Every store and person I walked pass seemed like I was saying "Good bye" to them. It aggravated me so much just thinking about the draft notice. Does it look like I can go fight in a fucking war? I'm a fucking college student for crying out loud. I have a future ahead of me. The government would be better off sending Jake Smith off to war; I'm sure he'll serve a better job with his brute strength and tiny brain.

As if the draft isn't drawing in enough soldiers, I saw a propaganda poster today down by J&D convincing people to enlist in the army. Why does the government need these damn posters if they already got the Selective Service System drafting thousands of U.S. citizens off to Vietnam? Don't they understand these are lives they're risking, not disposable and replaceable tools. I wish there was a solution to this madness.

What if I run away? I mean, Canada is just a swim away and I'll be free from the grasp of the Vietnam War draft. My mom might worry and Jeffrey might not have an older brother to look after him, but the idea just might work. That's it, I'll run away to Canada before the 20th comes.

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